LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL By JACK BULAVSKY Special to YOUR HOME Las Vegas might be the allergy capital of the world. It seems the signs of allergies — sneezing, runny eyes and nasal congestion — are always prevalent in Southern Nevada, whether it’s summer, fall, winter or spring. Although there isn’t much anyone can do about allergies, there are ways to reduce exposure and minimize symptoms. A good place to start is with a clean home by eliminating allergens such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, smoke and mold. Gil S. who owns and operates Pink Lady Maids , said it is difficult to keep a clean home in Southern Nevada because of its desert location. There is always wind and some type of construction sending dust particles everywhere. “The biggest source for allergens in the home is fabric,” Pink Ladies Maids said. “Fabric captures dust mites that cause so many allergies. I’m talking about clothes such as a wool jacket that sits in a closet all year and is ...
The New year of 2017 and what we are looking for as a small cleaning company operating in Las Vegas. All though the ecomomy has been coming back for years our goals that we planed to reach this year have been temperd by the recent election. With the election of President Donald J Trump and his business background most are telling us that businesses are going to be the beneficiaries with the lessening of taxes for small business . We are not sure that the tax breaks are going to make it to a business that makes less then twelve million per year. The economic view by billionaires can be obstructed by their reality distortion field. We as a country have seen this top down policy before only to find that the top 1% of the nation felt a loosening of the belt, but the bottom 99% didn't feel the trickle down affect that the Job makers said was coming our way. The last time we had this sort of policy, remember when "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" was the top show to...